The Next Chapter

The next chapter… A goodbye, a hello, and a lot more comedy.

First of all, a goodbye. After ten years of glorious nonsense, we are sad to announce the departure of Matt Grant, from The Noise Next Door. Matt has been a perfect friend and colleague to us all over the years and we will sorely miss his bendy body, his incredible video making magic, and his unstoppable sunny demeanour.

Matt has decided to explore his movie-making mojo even further by pursuing a career in film and TV. We wish him all the luck in the world, and highly suspect he’ll have stormed Hollywood by this time next year! We remain firm friends and sincerely hope that we’ll work together again, one day soon.


Next up, a hello. Tom, Sam and Charlie are delighted to welcome a NEW MEMBER into The Noise Next Door… Robin Hatcher! Robin will be joining the rest of guys in January 2018 and is set to bring something very special to the stage. Robin has been performing comedy for five years with his slapstick comedy group the Three Half Pints, racking up three national tours, three Edinburgh Festival runs, and has even written and starred in, two comedy series for the BBC.

We’ve been friends with Robin for years and we think his infectious enthusiasm and incredible physical comedy are going to be a perfect addition to our line-up.


Finally, a lot more comedy. This is, of course, a big change for us but we just want to assure everyone that The Noise Next Door will still be performing all over the world into 2018 and beyond and we are excited to see how this change will help us grow into even bigger and better things.

Goodbye Matt, hello Robin, and here’s to a lot more comedy from The Noise Next Door.

